In 2006, at the National Fantasy Fan Club convention (known as NFFC until 2009, when they changed their name to the ‘Disneyana Fan Club’,) Tim LaGaly gave this presentation of the work he and his crew did to restore the long-neglected Disneyland Lilly Belle VIP coach. Car #106 ‘Grand Canyon’ was originally part of the…
Tag: Disney
Walt Disney Birthplace Preservation Project
Many of the places that helped make Walt Disney who he was and what we loved are gone but not forgotten. One such place is the home he, and Roy, was born in – 2156 Tripp Ave., Chicago, IL. Want to be a tiny (or big) part of Walt Disney history? Contribute a few dollars…
Walt and the CP #173
The photo on the right IS Walt Disney, but he’s NOT posing next to his miniature live steam engine CP #173 Lilly Belle – it’s actually a composite photo of the miniature and a full-size image of Walt. This synthesized photo was created by a MAPO employee who combined Roger Broggie’s photo of Walt and…
Everyone can be creative
All of us are creative; some people just don’t know how they are or where to find their creativity. By definition creativity is the power to bring something into being. So many of us use that definition as to only apply to people that build, paint, or write etc. In Brainstorm: Unleashing Your Creative Self,…